SV6.5 Set Identifier

Prospective Set List

Learn more about our first main Scarlet & Violet set of 2025 by visiting the articles below.

Prospective Set List | Card Translations | Visual Set List | Selected Proxies | New Decks

set size: 159 cards (before Secret Rares)

Below is a list of cards believed to comprise our first main set of 2025, Journey Together, when it releases on 28 March 2025. As this is largely educated guesswork, there will inevitably be differences between what appears below and the actual set list. Check back regularly as this list will continue to grow and be updated as new information comes out about cards that are likely to be included in the set. The set will be legal for tournament play on 11 April 2025.

Other set details

Scarlet & Violet 9 is expected to be comprised of any new cards from the Japanese set Battle Partners (24 January 2025) and new cards from a pair of Japanese decks featuring Marnie and Steven (21 February 2025). Cards from the N and Lillie collection file products (24 January 2025) may also appear in this product.

Card Counts

  • Cards: 159, before secret rares

  • Chase Card Pokémon: 16

  • Trainer Cards: ?

  • Special Energy: ~1

Chase Pokémon

  1. Amoonguss ex

  2. Blaziken ex

  3. Reshiram ex

  4. Volcanion ex

  5. Tapu Koko ex

  6. Iono’s Bellibolt ex

  7. Lillie’s Clefairy ex

  8. Mimikyu ex

  9. Alcremie ex

  10. Mamoswine ex

  11. Koraidon ex

  12. Paldean Clodsire ex

  13. N’s Zoroark ex

  14. Hop’s Zacian ex

  15. Salamence ex

  16. Dudunsparce ex

Trainer Cards

  1. Brock’s Scouting

  2. Exchange Ticket

  3. Hop’s Bag

  4. Hop’s Choice Band

  5. Iris’s Fighting Spirit

  6. Levincia

  7. Lillie’s Pearl

  8. N’s Castle

  9. N’s PP Up

  10. Postwick

  11. Ruffian

  12. Super Potion

Special Energy

  1. Spike Energy